About the Book: For any organisation to succeed in its service delivery, it must prioritise its employee considering employees are the backbone of any successful organisation. In 2021 the World Economic Forum stated that about 40% of employees are thinking of quitting their jobs. This study was carried out in other to unravel the factors aiding employee attrition, especially in non-profit Organisations. The role non-profit organisations play in our society cannot be overemphasised. Most profit-oriented organisations use monetary means to manage their attrition rate even if it is for a short time, but non-profit organisations do not have this luxury and as a result, it is essential to get to the root of the problem and devise various strategies to reduce employee attrition thus enhancing employee retention. In other to achieve this, a comparative study was carried out using case studies from Asia (UAE) and Europe (UK). We talk about the effect of employee turnover all the time but not employee attrition.
ISBN: 9798886765489
About the Author: Dr. Adijat Adefila-Aransi – A human capital expert who believes that the term human in human resources needs to be prioritised in all organisations regardless of the sector. She currently serves as the Deputy Head of Business in one of the top UK Higher Education Institutions. Dr Adijat is an educator who has explored different areas of Academia for more than 10 years. She is a Member of the Board of Trustees of Africa Next Generation Leadership Centre. With her strong background in Information Technology, Business Management and Counselling, the author finds it easy to navigate her way around any positive area of research that will create a great work-life balance that promotes bliss-like mental health for all. Dr Adijat is an Employee Retention Consultant and Educator in various business management areas.
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